Monday, September 26, 2016

Semana 28 - God Loves Us!


Well, as of this week it’s official!  6 months in the mission, 1/3 of my time here is done and gone – it feels like so much and so little at the same time.  It makes me realize I have to make the most of my time here though because it’s seriously so short.  It’s something I’ve probably said before in my letters, but it becomes clearer now every week that passes even quicker than the one before.  On Monday it was super hot and it continued on into Tuesday.  The pros about it being hot is that there are more people outside that we can talk to, when it rains it is just us and the dogs. 

On Wednesday it was hot as well but we prayed in the morning for rain and oh man, did it come.  Just as we got ready to leave after lunch it started pouring rain.  I had a poncho and an umbrella and somehow I was still getting wet.  It’s definitely an experience and this time it was one that made me think of the prophet Lehi in the Book of Mormon.  He has a dream in which he sees the straight and narrow path that leads to Christ and Salvation.  However on the side of this path there’s a river that’s very dirty, brown and gross.  This river has a name, and it’s “The Streets of Mapastepec.”  The rain sweeps EVERYTHING that was in the street when it floods so we end up tromping through quite literally a brown and dirty river in the streets trying to find people to talk to.  It’s very fun. :o)  

It continued to be rainy on Thursday and we ended up hanging out in Sesecapa for a bit to wait out the rain.  When we got back we decided to visit an investigator whose kids are members.  She ended up being busy but her daughter who’s less active, but felt the need to talk to us.  She ended up pouring out her heart and came to church this Sunday.  After the lesson, Hermana Arellano and I were saying to each other that we both had no clue what to say but somehow the spirit filled our mouths.  I shared a scripture that I like a lot so I’ll share it with you guys too. 

It’s in the Bible in Romans 8:35, 38-39, 31, and 28. 

35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 
38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?
28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

I love this, no matter what, even when life turns to crap and things seem unbearably hard, God promises to love you and be on your side.  That NOTHING exists that can separate us from his love.  I feel like we can see evidence of His love every day, you just have to look for it.  On Saturday we visited in La Vainilla and wore PANTS!!  It was Hermana Arellano’s first time to proselyte in pants and she felt very weird.  It had been raining though and La Vainilla is very green with a ton of tree and plant life so we anticipated many mosquitoes (we were right.)  But it was good and we got to teach a lot of people with the Branch President Toledo.  He took us home after in his truck but it was raining so we wrapped ourselves in tarps because we have to ride in the truck bed. 

On Sunday we were able to watch Women’s Conference and it was super good!   It’s on for anyone who is interested.  In the afternoon we took a combi to Jubileo and when we were about to leave, I remembered a contact we had for that area so we turned around to search out his house.  We ended up not finding him but instead we were able to contact a bunch more people who live in a neighboring colony that we didn’t know about and wouldn’t have known about if we hadn’t turned around to look for this one contact.  So that was cool!   We finished out the day strong with teaching a family about the Book of Mormon.  It’s kind of scary sometimes to share the Book of Mormon with people here because Mexico loves the Bible and there are a ton of Catholics but they said they’d read it.  That’s all for his week, I hope everyone is doing well and thank you all for the support! 

Con mucho amor, Hermana Dangl 

 The brown and dirty river when it rains!  
 Hermana Arellano is wearing her rain jacket to keep her dry but it is making her hot! 
Hermana Dangl and a little girl.

1 comment:

  1. So happy for the selfless work you do. Isn't it great to be led to the right scripture when needed? You are blessing many lives including your own.
