Monday, September 4, 2017

Semana 77 - Temple, new place to live, & baptisms


  • There’s a part in the Incredibles Movie when a little kid on a trike sees Mr. Incredible pick up his car or something like that and he shouts, ”That was totally wicked!”  I think that just about sums up the week!  It was a busy one but also a miracle filled one.

  • First, we moved!  Our zone and district leaders and even the sister training leaders helped us move, and we really like our new place.

  • We are trying to find ALLLLLL the less actives, but it’s hard because sometimes they move away and don’t tell anyone so we end up searching for them for a long time until finally a neighbor remembers that the less active moved to Monterrey.  So we end up walking a lot and talking to a lot of people, which basically sums up the mission.  Haha! :o)

  • We traveled to Tuxtla!  I was able to go to the temple with the other missionaries in my generation and it turned out to be a super amazing and spiritual experience.  I enjoyed it a lot! 

  • The temple is the BEST because it’s the place closest to heaven on this earth.  After, we ate at the mission home and President Doman talked about how we need to give our ALL these last 2 weeks (!!!) and not slack off. 

  • We left the bus station the next morning at 6 am to start our 6 hour bus ride back to Tapachula.  We had to get back to get everything sorted out for Juan & Oliver’s baptism!  Whoo for baptisms!  A lot of members showed up to the baptism and it turned out well.  While Juan and Oliver were changing, we played Scripture Jeopardy but we finished early, so I asked if someone could share something from their personal scripture study that day. No one said anything so I asked if anyone had studied the scriptures that day and no one had!  I can’t blame them too much because before my mission it was hard for me as well, but now I know how important it is . . . Like Nephi says in 2 Nephi 32:3, we must feast upon the words of Christ daily!  We read the scripture together and I told them all to read.

  • We had an awesome Sunday.  We were able to see a ton of people, find many less actives and talk with many people on the streets.  Like I said in the beginning of my letter, missionary work is a lot of walking and talking.  It’s worth it though!  Especially when God lets us see the fruits of our labors and people get baptized.  It was amazing that we were only able to actually work in our area like 3 days this week, because of the move and going to Tuxtla, but somehow we had a good, successful week.  Hurrah for Israel! 

Con mucho amor, Hermana Dangl 

Mark your calendars:  

Hermana Dangl is flying into the John Wayne Airport at 4:54 pm on Wednesday, Sept. 27th.

She will be speaking in the Newport Beach 2nd Ward and giving her Homecoming Report on Sunday, October 15th at 11 am at 801 Dover Dr. Newport Beach.  

Herbie in Tuxtla!

Picture on the drive to Tuxtla 

 Our generation (missionaries leaving in 2 weeks) and the Mission President and his wife in front of the Tuxtla Gutierrez Temple. 

 Las Hermanas and the Pres. and Srs. Doman

 Hermana Dangl using her artistic skills at the baptism on the whiteboard.

 Juan and Oliver ready to be baptized.

 Hermana Maldonado, Juan, Oliver, and Hermana Dangl 

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