Monday, May 22, 2017

Semana 62 - New companion, new fruit called "Non," and empty your backpack!

Happy Monday! The first week of the transfer is said and done, and it actually went really well! My new companion is Hermana Valencia. She's from Mexicali, Baja California and has been out in the mission for 6 months. She's super sweet and diligent, and I think we're going to work well together. To back track a little bit, on Monday we were a mess of cleaning, washing, and packing and at night we had the big goodbye... Hermana Arellano said goodbye to all her youth converts. I've never seen 13 year old boys cry so much, and I as well was possibly crying a bit. They gave us wooden boxes that they had made. The wooden boxes had a picture of us all in front. It was really sweet but also super sad. 

On Tuesday, we said goodbye to some more people and then waited for my new companion at the bus station. It was the weirdest feeling as I said goodbye to Hermana Arellano and brought the Hermana Valencia to Terrazas. I'm getting accustomed to a new rhythm, but it's good. 

On Wednesday we taught English class, and I didn't get us lost around town which was good. 

On Thursday we visited J and had a good lesson about the Plan of Salvation, which is seriously my favorite lesson. Also, we ate fresh mango ice cream. :o) 

On Friday we contacted a golden referral, and we were super stoked. We are seriously hoping she progresses. The members here like to show their love towards us by giving us in food. We're not complaining! They gave us mangos, farm fresh eggs, and tamales. Terrazas is the best! :o) 

On Saturday – Earthquake!!! It was in the state of Chiapas, but west of where we live, with a 5.7 magnitude on the Richter scale. We visited another referral that has a potential as well. I think referrals are the best thing ever, honestly. Also, we made water out of a really weird fruit called "Non," that supposedly cures cancer. It is a hard yellow fruit but when it's ripe it's like a white-green color and feels like a soft worm. Plus it smells SUPER bad. Seriously the whole house reeked because of 3 little fruits. The water we made as well smelled badly but it didn't taste too bad. We also visited some new investigators and are trying to get rid of those who aren't progressing and find people who will. We also went to a Young Single Adult Activity that was super awesome. I liked a quote I read by Roosevelt: "Whenever someone asks you if you can do something always say that you can, then get to work to figure out how it's done." (translated from Spanish, so it may not be exact). I felt like it applies a LOT with missionary work. 

On Sunday, we went to church and had a normal day. This week was really calm because we didn't have anything going on the 1st week of the transfer. Something I did learn from my studies this week was about the concept of a backpack full of rocks... I was thinking about in Parent Trap how the twin sisters put rocks in their dad's girlfriend's backpack during a hike and every time they sit down to rest and drink water they load it up with another rock. Then they stand up again and each time her backpack is heavier and heavier and the twins are laughing away. I compared it to John Bytheway's talk "What's in your backpack?" in which he compares the rocks we put in our backpack to the sins that we don't repent of. Every time we sin, we add more and more rocks to our spiritual backback and it's when we rest, lose our guard and stop paying attention that Satan can trick us into carrying more than we should. Then when we don't repent, we keep carrying around a weight that gets heavier and harder to carry with time. BUT when we go to church and partake of the sacrament, we can take out the rocks and put them at Jesus's feet. It really is wonderful. Anyway, I hope you all have a great week and unload your spiritual rocks this Sunday!

Con amor, Hermana Dangl 

New Companion - Hermana Valencia from Mexicali, Baja California 
A new fruit they tried called "Non." It is a hard yellow fruit but when it’s ripe it’s like a white-green color and feels like a soft worm.  Plus it smells SUPER badly.  

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