Monday, October 3, 2016

Semana 29 - Conference Time!

Hello friends and family,

This week was a week of lot of traveling and listening to speakers.  1. Multizone conference and 2. General Conference!  We woke up at 4 am on Tuesday so we could get to Arriaga for the Multi zone Conference at 9 am.  It was super good and we listened to President George and his assistants teach us about how to be better missionaries and what not.  Something I really liked was that “grace is not the light at the end of the tunnel but rather the light that guides us through the tunnel.”  I think a lot of people think they can live their lives however they want and it doesn’t matter because God’s going to save them with His grace, but it doesn’t really work like that.  It’s when you come to Him with a repentant and humble heart that you find His grace and mercy will cover everything and light the way. 

Another thing I learned is that all the stories about missionaries and their stomachs are true.  I remember my first multi-zone conference my first transfer and I could only eat 3/4 of my 2 large quesadillas and drink half of my Jamaica.  This zone conference I was able to eat the same food and eat it all just like everyone else.  I‘m pretty sure that means I’m officially a real missionary. :o) 

On Wednesday we had a miracle contact. We contacted a mom sitting outside her house and after listening for like 2 minutes, she invited us to teach her husband and kids and they all sat down outside on the curb to listen to our message. On Thursday night we got a call that we needed to be in Tonala the next day by 8 am to figure out some paperwork.  So on Friday we got up dark and early again to travel.  Though this time we brought our pillows and slept the whole time.  We got to Tonala around 8:30 and then waited. . . and waited. . . .we ended up leaving Tonala around 12:30.  When we got back to Mapa, we headed over to Sesecapa (25-30 minutes away) to eat with the Relief Society President, Hermana Ines.  We ended up helping her daughter with her English homework as we waited out the rain.  When we got back to Mapa, we went to the house of some recent converts and watched the Restoration Video with them and their non member family.  It was super awesome and I was GLUED because we don’t watch any TV so when we get a little bit it’s like little kids watching cartoons.  On Saturday we watched General Conference!  Whoo!  I think it’s so cool that in every conference there’s a common thread in the talks. Even though they don’t coordinate topics beforehand, there’s always repetition because they (apostles, General Authorities, prophet) receive some serious revelation on what we need to hear.

The last page is talking about General Conference.  It was very cool to see the focus on Missionary Work, the Restoration, Christ, and Repentance in the Saturday session.  These are the things we do and teach here every day in the mission.  On Sunday the huge focus was on the Sacrament, Repentance, and Christ, which are the things we teach the most too.  We watched it with the branch in the Primary Room on the computer.  If you missed it, you can head on over to to check it out.  All in all, it was a good week.

Con much amor, Hermana Dangl

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