Hello all!
This week was good. Last Saturday, I got news about being transferred, so this will also be my last week in Mapastepec. It's very bitter sweet.
On Tuesday the sister training leaders came to Mapastepec and we did splits. I went with Hermana Ilizarbe and Hermana Renteria went with Hermana Vargas. It was fun! It's good sometimes to change things up and learn something new from someone else. We had a cool experience that has a backstory. A while ago, two teenage girls came to church with their grandparents, and we were going to visit them because they're not members. However, we couldn't ever find their house. Last week Hermano Jesus pointed out a house and told us we should pass by and visit because the mom was inactive. We ended up passing by on Tuesday, and the mom turned out to have two teenage daughters... who were the same ones we looked for before but couldn't find! It's cool to see God's hand in things.
On Wednesday we had a district meeting in Tonala. It was good, but also sad because I kind of knew that it was going to be my last time. On Thursday we had an awesome lesson with another person that God very obviously wanted us to teach. An Elder, who served in Mapa in the beginning of his mission, and who is going home this transfer, gave me a reference to visit one of his old investigators. We visited her almost 2 years after her initial contact with the church and had an awesome lesson where she told us one of the reasons that she doesn't want to go to church is because she doesn't feel worthy to do so. This is one of the great tricks of Satan. One of the apostles said something about how the church is not a place where perfect people go to talk about how perfect their lives are. It's a hospital for sinners to go to be saved and healed. So, you are never not worthy to come to church. If anything, that's when you need to attend the most.
On Friday, I gave my last English class, and we contacted a lot of people. Contacting is not actually all that fun because it usually involves introducing yourself to random strangers and then inviting yourself over to teach them about Christ. We made a new game where I pick a super random word and Hermana Renteria has to somehow put that word in the lesson and vice a versa. She's really good at it, but me not so much.
On Saturday, I was basically stressed out all day about transfers because this was when our leaders were going to be telling us about where we would be serving next, and they weren't going to do that until the evening. The news is that I'm going to Tuxtla Mactumata as a Sister Training Leader, and my new companion is Hermana Arrellano. Whaat? Right?! First off, I'm leaving the coast after being here for 9 months. Tonala and Mapastepec, my old areas, are both on the coast in the “HOT ZONE” of Chiapas. Second, Sister Training Leader means I have all kinds of fun "responsibilities" like helping teach in zone meetings and doing companion exchanges with the other Hermanas in the zone. Third, Hermana Arellano is my companion AGAIN! It's super rare to have the same companion more than once in the mission, but I am totally not complaining because she's super awesome and honestly she is like a sister to me.
On Sunday I gave my farewell talk in church and visited all the members, the less actives and investigators to say goodbye. I've truly enjoyed my time in Mapastepec (6 months or 4 transfers) and I've learned to love the people and accept the will of God a little better. I feel that right now I'm opening a new door in my mission, and it's kind of scary but also exciting at the same time.
I hope you all have a great week!
Con amor, Hermana Dangl
This week was good. Last Saturday, I got news about being transferred, so this will also be my last week in Mapastepec. It's very bitter sweet.
On Tuesday the sister training leaders came to Mapastepec and we did splits. I went with Hermana Ilizarbe and Hermana Renteria went with Hermana Vargas. It was fun! It's good sometimes to change things up and learn something new from someone else. We had a cool experience that has a backstory. A while ago, two teenage girls came to church with their grandparents, and we were going to visit them because they're not members. However, we couldn't ever find their house. Last week Hermano Jesus pointed out a house and told us we should pass by and visit because the mom was inactive. We ended up passing by on Tuesday, and the mom turned out to have two teenage daughters... who were the same ones we looked for before but couldn't find! It's cool to see God's hand in things.
On Wednesday we had a district meeting in Tonala. It was good, but also sad because I kind of knew that it was going to be my last time. On Thursday we had an awesome lesson with another person that God very obviously wanted us to teach. An Elder, who served in Mapa in the beginning of his mission, and who is going home this transfer, gave me a reference to visit one of his old investigators. We visited her almost 2 years after her initial contact with the church and had an awesome lesson where she told us one of the reasons that she doesn't want to go to church is because she doesn't feel worthy to do so. This is one of the great tricks of Satan. One of the apostles said something about how the church is not a place where perfect people go to talk about how perfect their lives are. It's a hospital for sinners to go to be saved and healed. So, you are never not worthy to come to church. If anything, that's when you need to attend the most.
On Friday, I gave my last English class, and we contacted a lot of people. Contacting is not actually all that fun because it usually involves introducing yourself to random strangers and then inviting yourself over to teach them about Christ. We made a new game where I pick a super random word and Hermana Renteria has to somehow put that word in the lesson and vice a versa. She's really good at it, but me not so much.
On Saturday, I was basically stressed out all day about transfers because this was when our leaders were going to be telling us about where we would be serving next, and they weren't going to do that until the evening. The news is that I'm going to Tuxtla Mactumata as a Sister Training Leader, and my new companion is Hermana Arrellano. Whaat? Right?! First off, I'm leaving the coast after being here for 9 months. Tonala and Mapastepec, my old areas, are both on the coast in the “HOT ZONE” of Chiapas. Second, Sister Training Leader means I have all kinds of fun "responsibilities" like helping teach in zone meetings and doing companion exchanges with the other Hermanas in the zone. Third, Hermana Arellano is my companion AGAIN! It's super rare to have the same companion more than once in the mission, but I am totally not complaining because she's super awesome and honestly she is like a sister to me.
On Sunday I gave my farewell talk in church and visited all the members, the less actives and investigators to say goodbye. I've truly enjoyed my time in Mapastepec (6 months or 4 transfers) and I've learned to love the people and accept the will of God a little better. I feel that right now I'm opening a new door in my mission, and it's kind of scary but also exciting at the same time.
I hope you all have a great week!
Con amor, Hermana Dangl
Rosca de reyes is a traditional dessert pastry for the holiday. They're usually really big and have little plastics babies cooked inside and whoever has a piece that has a baby in it, has to feed everyone tamales in February.
Translation of letter sent to Hermana Dangl from her companion, as if the Three Kings wrote it to her.
Dear Hermana Dangl,
We have never been able to bring you presents, because you weren’t living in Latin America, but now you live here and speak Spanish so we can give you something small from our heart and know you will like it. This is thanks to Hermana Renteria who spoke very highly of you.
Continue being your best and enjoy your mission to the fullest and always work hard and the blessings will come, which are greater than the little presents we gave you.
Remember “Always go forward and stay true and firm in Christ.”
P.S. Hermana Renteria loves you very much.
From, The Three Kings
Melchor, Gazpar, and Baltazar
My companion surprised me and let me in on the tradition. You set out a shoe and the Kings bring gifts, so I left a not in my shoe from the Kings and a little gift.
Hermana Dangl with the 3 kings... the 3 kings came to visit me and left me a
little something in my shoes.
Martha and Jonathan, baby Johnny, and President Toledo
Investigators-Dana, Kevin, and Adriana
Picture with Flori, Ale, and President Toledo
These are all members that she is saying goodbye to before she leaves to her new area.
Pictures with Veva, Damian, and Bryant.
Picture with companion and Carlitos.
Picture with Lupita, Lupita, Emperatriz, Carlitos and Iker
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